I really need to update more often... I will admit I do forget as I get quite involved in my commissions. Lately I have completed several large commissions ranging from Ariadna from Infinity to large numbers of tanks for the game Bolt Action. Todays update features some pictures from my recent batch of American vehicles. This batch is part of a rather large commission featuring over 41 28mm vehicles for Bolt Action. The commission ranges from the humble jeep to the massive German Maus. The vehicles I completed recently were some of the most fun to paint vehicles in a while. While the US primarily used the same color scheme on all its vehicles, I still had fun with all the variations I was able to achieve.

Featured in the picture were three of the newer M4 Sherman plastic kits from Warlord Games which were a pleasure to work with. Warlord is offering some great new kits in plastic and I very much enjoy working with them. Also shown is an M4A3 Sherman 105 from Rubicon. That kit is also plastic and includes quite a few options for variants. The client wanted the 105mm variant and who could say no to a Sherman with a big gun. The rest of the vehicles included an M3 Halftrack, an M16 AA Halftrack, the mighty M26 Pershing, an M3 Lee, two little Jeeps, and M18 Hellcat, and finally two workhorse LVTs. The LVTs and Lee were where I decided to vary the usual scheme. I decided to go with a more appropriate faded color scheme as those saw action is particularly tough areas. Not much remains to be done on them, just some weathering pigments and some details on the crew.
Stay tuned for my next update where I show off the recently completed Ariadna force for Infinity.