Showing posts with label German Infantry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label German Infantry. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Here comes Jerry!

Continueing where I left off with pictures of recently completed commission here are some pictures of german infantry from the Bolt Action line of Warlord Games.  These were painted in a standard Heer scheme with panzergrenadier markings.  Panzergrenadiers had green piping on their shoulder boards.  These were equipped to match some historical guidelines provided by the client.  For your enjoyment here is one of the squads that I painted.

German Heer infantry squad with two MG42s and two Panzerfaust

Panzerfaust equipped soldat

MG42 Gunners

NCO and MP40 equipped soldat

The backbone of any squad, the rifleman

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

German Blitz

Well I started on the next batch of miniatures for one of my clients and it is all German miniatures for Bolt Action.  If you haven't checked out Bolt Action I would recommend you check it out.  Pictured below were all the models I assembled in one day which was a pretty good for 28mm resin.  Those two halftracks are the new plastics from Warlord Games and they are quite nice to be honest.  While I personally own Americans, those Hanomag halftracks can make a man go German.  The Germans pictured are going to be mounted on scenic bases from Secret Weapon so they are yet to be attached.  Enjoy this picture of German armored might... and one lone T-34/85.