Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Northmen cometh...

Another update for my patient readers today and this one is something a little different.  This is Ragnar Lothbrok from Gripping Beast for the SAGA game.  Some of you may be familiar with the character from the History Channel show, Vikings though this is likely a more accurate portrayal.  The model is based for the game SAGA by using a large 40mm round base which I gave a realistic northern treatment.  He was actually pretty simple to paint with him being knocked out in an afternoon.  Here are some pictures so enjoy and feel free to comment.


  1. Shocking to see bright colors on the norse man but the red and blue looks great with the cloak.

  2. It's the dirty little secret of history: Vikings liked bright colors. And silk underwear when they could get it or afford it. They were also meticulous about grooming. They also enjoyed hot spring bathing...

    Great site for viking info:
